本文創作源自於「星際異攻隊(Guardians of the Galaxy)影評」,若想看到更多相關內容,請參考我的個人網誌。
I'm not in love
So don't forget it
It's just a silly phase I'm going through
And just because
I call you up
Don't get me wrong, don't think you've got it made
I'm not in love, no no, it's because…
-〈10CC - I'm Not in Love〉
於1988年,年幼的彼得·奎爾聽著〈10CC - I'm Not in Love〉,隨後目睹母親因腦癌去世。被星際盜賊軍團「破壞者」(Ravager)擄走至宇宙,而破壞者領袖勇度將他養育長大、將他訓練成為一名自稱「星爵」的星際大盜。成年後,奎爾一人來到廢棄星球莫拉格,聽著母親生前留給他的《勁爆舞曲大帝國第一輯》(Awesome Mix vol.1)〈Come and Get Your Love〉找尋到「宇宙靈球」。
Hell (hell), what the matter with your head head
Hell (hell), what the matter with your mind and your sign and a ohohoh
Hell (hell) nothin the matter with your head baby find it, come on and find it
Hell, with it baby cause you're fun and you're mine and you look so divine.
Come and get your love
Come and get your love
Come and get your love
Come and get your love...
-〈Come and Get Your Love〉
來到柴達星的奎爾打算將靈球賣掉時被葛摩菈搶走,一對賞金獵人火箭浣熊和格魯特看上奎爾的賞金而加入鬥爭。但隨後四個人全部被新星軍團逮捕,集體關進奇恩星際監獄。進入監獄後的奎爾看到了自己的隨身聽被獄卒隨意拿去聆聽,憤而闖入獄卒室,而獄卒邊聽著〈Hooked On a Feeling〉、一邊電擊著奎爾,而奎爾吼著:「那隨身聽是我的!藍色瑞典人〈就愛這感覺〉1973年,這首歌是我的!」(這部分我在電影院觀影時只有我笑出來,顯得有些尷尬。但這裡就是以〈Hooked On a Feeling〉這首歌曲帶出劇情中奎爾被電擊的詼諧感啊)
I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me
Girl, you just don't realize
What you do to me
When you hold me
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's all right
I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me...
-〈Hooked On a Feeling〉
監獄中的大部分囚犯仇視著身為羅南幫兇的葛摩菈,當中包括家人被羅南屠殺的德克斯,葛摩菈透露說她是為了將靈球賣掉藉以得到解脫,眾人於是決定先達成共識,火箭與格魯特單單隨機應變,就帶著奎爾、葛摩菈與隨行的德克斯逃出監獄。但奎爾發現隨身聽並沒有在扣押箱時,隨即回去找到霸佔他隨身聽的獄卒,並與之奪回。此時隨身聽播放著〈Escape (The Pina Colada Song)〉。
"Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
I´m not much into health food, I am into champagne
I´ve got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape
At a bar called O'Malley's, where we´ll plan our escape”...
-〈Escape (The Pina Colada Song)〉
進入艙內的奎爾被德克斯先行讚許了一番,並說:「就是要有這樣的氣魄,他會是我們對抗羅南的好夥伴。同伴,你是去拿什麼呢?」而奎爾把隨身聽放在德克斯手上,德克斯補了一句:「有夠低能」。接著眾人來到由上古神族被切斷的頭骨所改造的無政府採礦殖民地「知無領域」中,一行人在等待收藏家時,葛摩拉在陽台問奎爾這個隨身聽對他來說為什麼這麼重要,奎爾解釋了他母親喜歡跟他分享當時的流行音樂,而他母親過世時正好在聽〈10CC - I'm Not in Love〉。奎爾把耳機遞給了葛摩拉,兩人沈浸在〈Fooled Around and Fell In Love〉的歌曲之中。這段非常貼切了使用了〈被愚弄和墜入愛河〉的歌詞,因為葛摩拉隨後拿出刺劍抵著奎爾,說她不會被這種愚弄般的調情技巧所迷惑。
It used to be when I'd see a girl that I liked
I'd get out my book and write down her name
Ah, but when the, the grass got a little greener over on the other side
I'd just tear out that page
I fooled around and fell in love
I fooled around and fell in love, since I met you baby
I fooled around and fell in love
I fooled around and fell in love...
-〈Fooled Around and Fell In Love〉
O-o-h child things are gonna get easier
O-o-h child things'll get brighter
O-o-h child things are gonna get easier
O-o-h child things'll get brighter
Someday we'll get it together and we'll get it undone
Someday when the world is much brighter
Someday we'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Someday when the world is much lighter
-〈O-o-h Child (Remastered)〉
奎爾趁機握住寶石後開始被能量吞噬,但葛摩菈、德克斯與火箭卻一同加入奎爾的行列以生死與共。然而,奎爾等人奇跡般地將寶石控制在手心上,羅南對此難以置信時,奎爾用寶石釋出能量將羅南粉身碎骨。葛摩菈將寶石封於一個球體中,勇度等人到場後拿走被奎爾暗中掉包、裝有一個娃娃的球體。新星軍團對奎爾等人的壯舉心存感激,不但協助他們重新修復米蘭號,並告知奎爾其實是人類和一種古老外星生物的混血,源於他自小就沒見過的「父親」。奎爾將裝有寶石球體交給軍團看管,並終於釋懷童年陰影而打開母親死前留給他的信件與禮物,聽著禮盒中裝的《勁爆舞曲大帝國第二輯》(Awesome Mix vol.2)〈Ain't No Mountain High Enough〉。火箭將格魯特的主根碎屑插在花盆裏,使他重獲新生般的生長,眾人則開船飛往宇宙。
Listen baby, ain't no mountain high,
Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby
If you need me call me no matter where you are
No matter how far; don't worry baby
Just call my name; I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry
Oh baby there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe...
-〈Ain't No Mountain High Enough〉
《勁爆舞曲大帝國第一輯》(Awesome Mix vol.1)歌單
1. “Hooked on a Feeling" Blue Swede
2. “Go All the Way" Raspberries
3. “Spirit in the Sky" Norman Greenbaum
4. “Moonage Daydream" David Bowie
5. “Fooled Around and Fell in Love" Elvin Bishop
6. “I’m Not in Love" 10cc
7. “I Want You Back" The Jackson 5
8. “Come and Get Your Love" Redbone
9. “Cherry Bomb" The Runaways
10. “Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" Rupert Holmes
11. “O-o-h Child" Five Stairsteps
12. “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough" Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell