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發表於 2021-1-4 22:12:05
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華盛頓郵報取得獨家錄音,內容是Trump本人在電話中要求喬治亞州州務卿Brad Raffensperger(共和黨)推翻選舉結果。(擇錄: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3hrN0cP58Y) (完整謄本 錄音)
內容大致是Trump向對方聲稱他其實已大獲全勝、他不可能會輸、很多人告訴他不可能會輸、死人投票、Dominion、選票被碎紙機撕毀等等。在電話中Raffensperger及其法律顧問Ryan Germany也很耐心地向Trump解釋有關主張早已在法庭被駁斥、為什麼Trump的數字是錯的、以及喬治亞州已用人手重新點票過等。Trump在電話中稱,他需要「找出」(find)一萬多張選票、並暗示Raffensperger應該出來說已經重新點票並宣佈Trump得到較多選票,否則他就會有違法風險。
該錄音全程約一小時,其內容實在很接近電影中黑幫老大的威脅語氣 - 大家有興趣的話可以看上面連結的完整謄本。文末為部分擇錄。
前任司法部總監察長及紐約聯邦檢察官的Michael Bromwich指出,Trump對Raffensperger及其法律顧問作出的威脅構成違反聯邦法律52 U.S. Code § 20511 (https://twitter.com/mrbromwich/status/1345807776031899648)。同樣是前任聯邦檢察官Renato Mariotti指出Trump是電話中是在要求喬治亞州州務卿作出詐騙(https://twitter.com/renato....../status/1345802569340375040)。
但正如早前所討論,總統特赦是不包括州的罪行的(見《總統特赦》: https://www.facebook.com/nylawyernotes/posts/1057260321456748)。位於紐約的Fordham University法學院教授Jed Shugerman指出,Trump很可能已違反兩項喬治亞州的法律︰GA Code § 21-2-604及21-2-597 (https://twitter.com/jedshug/status/1345805631232614402)。
喬治亞州大學法學院教授Anthony Michael Kreis作出了同樣結論。
前美國司法部刑事欺詐部主管、在FBI的Mueller調查中作為法律顧問的Andrew Weissmann亦稱Trump是在構成並威脅對方去呈交虛假選舉結果,是違反了聯邦及州法律(https://twitter.com/AWeissmann_/status/1345849394583588865)。哈佛大學法學院教授、憲法學權威Laurence Tribe同樣指Trump即使特赦自己也不能免責州法律(https://twitter.com/tribelaw/status/1345882613010063364)。
還有什麼瘋狂事呢?根據喬治亞州共和黨主席David Shafer,Trump已起訴喬治亞州州務卿Brad Raffensperger,聲稱該錄音是「有關訴訟的和解討論」,所以是保密的(https://twitter.com/DavidShafer/status/1345868002026205184)。我目前還沒看到法庭的紀錄。
Trump: As you know, every single state, we won every state. We won every statehouse in the country.
Trump: And the people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you’ve recalculated.
Raffensperger: Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, they — people can say anything.
Trump: Oh this isn’t social media. This is Trump media. It’s not social media. It’s really not; it’s not social media. I don’t care about social media. I couldn’t care less. Social media is Big Tech. Big Tech is on your side, you know. I don’t even know why you have a side because you should want to have an accurate election. And you’re a Republican.
Raffensperger: We believe that we do have an accurate election.
Trump: No, no you don’t. No, no you don’t. You don’t have.
Germany: . . . Let me tell you what we are seeing. What we’re seeing is not at all what you’re describing. These are investigators from our office, these are investigators from GBI, and they’re looking, and they’re good. And that’s not what they’re seeing. And we’ll keep looking, at all these things.
Trump: Well, you better check on the ballots because they are shredding ballots, Ryan. I’m just telling you, Ryan. They’re shredding ballots.
Trump: And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal — it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know, what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a criminal, that’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that’s a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I’ve heard. And they are removing machinery, and they’re moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can’t let it happen, and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.
Trump: I don’t know, look, Brad. I got to get . . . I have to find 12,000 votes, and I have them times a lot. And therefore, I won the state. That’s before we go to the next step, which is in the process of right now. You know, and I watched you this morning, and you said, well, there was no criminality. But I mean all of this stuff is very dangerous stuff. When you talk about no criminality, I think it’s very dangerous for you to say that."
Trump: So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break. You know, we have that in spades already. Or we can keep it going, but that’s not fair to the voters of Georgia because they’re going to see what happened, and they’re going to see what happened. I mean, I’ll, I’ll take on anybody you want with regard to [name] and her lovely daughter, a very lovely young lady, I’m sure. But, but [name] . . . I will take on anybody you want.
Trump: Well, under law, you’re not allowed to give faulty election results, okay? You’re not allowed to do that. And that’s what you done. This is a faulty election result.
Trump: And I think that it is really is important that you meet tomorrow and work out on these numbers. Because I know, Brad, that if you think we’re right, I think you’re going to say, and I’m not looking to blame anybody, I’m just saying, you know, and, you know, under new counts, and under new views, of the election results, we won the election. You know? It’s very simple. We won the election.
Trump: And the real truth is, I won by 400,000 votes. At least. That’s the real truth. But we don’t need 400,000 votes. We need less than 2,000 votes.