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The PLA Navy (PLAN) is Asia's largest navy,with an inventory of more than 300 surfacecombatants, submarines, amphibious ships,patrol craft, and specialized unit.201 ThePLAN is rapidly replacing obsolescent, gen-erally single-purpose ships in favor of larger,multirole combatants with advanced antiship,antiair, and antisubmarine weapons and sen-sors. This modernization aligns with China'sgrowing emphasis on the maritime domain,with increasing demands on the PLAN to con-duct operational tasks at increasing distancesfrom the Chinese mainland using multimis-sion, long-range, sustainable naval platformswith robust self-defense capabilities.202,203
In the 1980s, China's threat perceptions andgrowing economic interests drove a majorshift in the strategic orientation and utilityof navalforces. In particular, Chinese navalstrategists sought to expand the bounds oftheir maritime capabilities beyond coastaldefense. By 1987, PLAN Commander Adm LiuHuaqing had established a strategy referredto as offshore defense."204
Although Liu characterized offshore areas aseast of Taiwan and the northern part of thePacific Ocean, stretching beyond the first islandchain, offshore defense was often associatedwith operations in the Yellow Sea, East ChinaSea, and South China Sea -China's near seas."Development of offshore defense paralleled theCMC's adoption of a new military strategythat focused on local wars on China's periph- ery rather than a major confrontation withthe Soviet Union, and it focused on achievingregional goals and deterring a modern adver-sary from intervening in a regional conflict.
In line with the strategic requirement of off-shore waters defense and open- seas protec-tion, the PLAN will gradually shift its focusfrom offshore waters defense to the com-bination of offshore waters defense withopen-seas protection," and build a com-bined, multifunctional and efficient marinecombat force structure. The PLAN willenhance its capabilities for strategic deter-rence and counterattack, maritime maneu-vers, joint operations at sea, comprehensivedefense, and comprehensive support.
Excerpt from China's Military Strategy, May 2015
Former President Hu and President Xi haverepeatedly emphasized the importance of mari-time power. In 2004, former President Hus out-line of the PLA's New Historic Missions encom-passed new expectations for the PLAN. In hisreport to the 18th Party Congress in 2012, Hudeclared, We should enhance our capacity forexploiting marine resources, resolutely safe-guard China's maritime rights and interests,and build China into a maritime power." Hu'spublic emphasis on maritime power and theneed to resolutely safeguard China's mar-itime rights and interests reflect a growingconsensus in China that maritime power is essential to advancing China's interests. Thistrajectory was carried forward under Xi and isexplicit in China's 2015 military strategy:
The traditional mentality that land out-weighs sea must be abandoned, andgreat importance has to be attached tomanaging the seas and oceans and pro-tecting maritime rights and interests. Itis necessary for China to develop a mod-ern maritime military force structurecommensurate with its national securityand development interests, safeguard itsnational sovereignty and maritime rightsand interests, protect the security of stra-tegic SLOCs (sea lines of communication)and overseas interests, and participate ininternational maritime cooperation so asto provide strategic support for buildingitself into a maritime power.
Excerpt from China's Military Strategy, May 2015
In 2015, Beijing formally introduced a newnaval strategy, known as Offshore Defense andOpen Seas Protection. The new strategy con-tains the primary elements of offshore defensebut extends China's maritime sphere of opera-tions beyond the first and second island chainsand into the high seas in support of China'sgrowing international interests and maritimemissions. China relies heavily on maritimetrade, access to overseas energy resources, andoverseas employment of Chinese citizens topropel its domestic economy, spurring Beijing'sconcern for ensuring that the PLAN is capable of pursuing open-seas protection missions. ThePLAN's acquisition patterns demonstrate agrowing emphasis on ships that are multimis-sion capable and large enough to sustain thesetypes of operations.
Roles and Missions(作用和任務)
Given China's heavy reliance on maritimecommerce, Beijing now has a vested interestin ensuring the security of international trade.Beijing also faces growing pressure to contrib-ute to international security missions. As anincreasingly modern and flexible force, thePLAN is at the forefront of addressing a num-ber of enduring Chinese security challenges,from reunification with Taiwan to assertingChina's maritime claims in the East and SouthChina Seas. Today the PLAN's primary opera-tional, training, and planning focus remains inthe near seas, where China faces sovereigntydisputes over various islands, maritime fea-tures, territorial waters, and associated mar-itime rights. The growth of China's diversifiednonwar missions, including HADR, SLOC .protection, and PKOs, has been a major driverof -and justification for China's expandednaval strategy and operations in the far seas.The following subsections highlight a few ofthese missions.
Countering Third-Party Intervention.Since the mid- 1990s, Chinese planners andstrategists have understood that the PLAN'sdevelopment of capabilities to deter, delay, andif necessary degrade third-party forces' inter-vention in a time of conflict is essential. Nearlytwo decades later, China has closed many of thegaps in key warfare areas, such as air defenseand long-range strike, that would support coun-tering third-party forces in regional campaigns.China has built or acquired a wide array ofadvanced platforms, including submarines, major surface combatants, missile patrol craft,maritime strike aircraft, and land-based sys-tems that employ new, sophisticated antishipcruise missiles and SAMs. China also has devel-oped the world's first roadmobile, antiship bal-listic missile, a system specifically designed toattack enemy aircraft carriers. Chinas leadershope that possessing these military capabilitieswill deter proindependence moves by Taiwanor, should deterrence fail, will permit a rangeof tailored military options against Taiwan andpotential third-party military intervention.
這個後面還有一點小細項 不過因為跟台灣問題比較沒關係 於是跳過不PO了