Balance of Power 權力平衡/均勢主義
a situation in which political or military strength is divided between two countries or groups of countries
with 1)internal balancing 2)external balancing
地緣政治, 核武器, 法律平衡
e.g 英國制衡歐陸最強國, 中國合縱連橫
Realism 現實主義
a theory that anarchy on the world stage causes states to increase their security
1)Offensive Realism 2)Defensive Realism 3)Neoclassical Realism
國家中心(State center)
追求利益(Pursuit of Interest)
權力之極大化(Maximize its Power)
權力平衡(Balance of Powers)
constructionism 建構主義
In the discipline of international relations, constructivism is the claim that significant aspects of international relations are historically and socially contingent, rather than inevitable consequences of human nature or other essential characteristics of world politics.
Geographical Factors
1)National Power 2)The Clash of Civilizations 3)Marxism
Nation State
a group of people with the same culture, language, etc. who have formed an independent country
1)Anarchism 2)Aggression 3)International Conflict
1)Capitalism 2)Imperialism 3)Liberalism 4)NeoMarxism
the state of being allied
union between nations or parties
nations or parties included in the union
Nuclear Deterrence
the maintaining of nuclear power and weaponry in order to discourage war, Arms Control
Inflation vs Integration vs International Cooperation
any doctrine that stresses utility or purpose
is a theory of regional integration, building on the work of Ernst B. Haas, an American political scientist. Jean Monnet‘s approach to European integration, which aimed at integrating individual sectors in hopes of achieving spill-over外溢 effects to further the process of integration, is said to have followed the neofunctional school's tack.
Cold War & Decision Making
is the process of reaching decisions, especially in a large organization or in government.
Super Organization Decision Making Vs government Decision Making
生命來到第二十三個深秋, 我戴著學士帽與母校道別, 心裡依稀記得在第十個秋天, 我倆小無猜卻像新婚一般, 我是勇者她似公主。
時間已經加速流逝, 沒有站在我的身邊. 妳我的往事煙沒於如今的大銀幕之中...
如果我不能想像天堂,我相信死亡只是一扇門,當它關閉時,另一扇就會打開。如果讓我來想像天堂,我會想像那扇門打開了,在門後,我會發現她就在那裡,等著我。《Cloud Atlas》